Advertisement Number : Online_057MF Selection For: Main Fleet Last Date of Application: 26-01-2025

All fields marked * are mandatory
First Name * Last Name *
Mobile * Email
Home Town * State *
Rank Applied for * Date of Birth *
Passport No * Passport Expiry Date *
CDC No * CDC Expiry Date *
Whether in possession of COP or CoC * Whether completed Seaman Enhancement Program by BEST *
Last Sign Off Date * Type of Vessel applied for *
Last Vessel *
Last Company and Vessel Name * (To be entered in format Name of Company - Name of Vessel)
Max. GRT of vessel sailed for 6 Months *
Upload your documents here : (File size should not exceed 3MB and Only .jpg .png .doc .docx .pdf extensions are allowed)
1. CDC * (At least first page, last page, sticker page, and pages showing latest 6 entries must be uploaded)     
2. Passport * (At least first page, last page, and page showing latest immigration entry must be uploaded)     
3. Annexure 3 Form * (Filled Annexure 3 Form as provided at the end of Advertisement)     
4. Other Certificates & Documents like STCW, DCE, COP, WK, Cookery, Yellow fever, ADHAR, PAN, PCC, as mandated in the Advertisement     

I am applying against the advertised vacancy only after confirming my eligibility as per mandatory requirements specified in the advertisement and if the same is found to be false at any stage my application / shortlisting by SCI shall be liable for cancellation. I also understand that by merely applying here doesn't confer any right of employment / contract with SCI and if shortlisted by SCI, I agree to visit location specified by SCI for verification of originals and medical examination.